Clara Dolliver: No Baby in the House

No baby in the house I know—
  ’Tis far too nice and clean;
No toys by careless fingers strewn
  Upon the floors are seen.
No finger-marks are on the panes,        5
  No scratches on the chairs,
No wooden men set up in rows,
  Or marshaled off in pairs;
No little stockings to be darned,
  All ragged at the toes,        10
No pile of mending to be done,
  Made up of baby-clothes;
No little troubles to be soothed,
  No little hands to fold;
No grimy fingers to be washed,        15
  No stories to be told;
No tender kisses to be given,
  No nick-names—“Clove” and “Mouse;”
No merry frolics after tea—
  No baby in the house.        20

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