The Smurfs - review

Reimagining the Smurfs as 'mythical' not fictional is one of many horrors. But it's just a piece of summer silliness, right?

  1. The Smurfs
  2. Production year: 2011
  3. Country: USA
  4. Cert (UK): U
  5. Runtime: 102 mins
  6. Directors: Raja Gosnell
  7. Cast: Alan Cumming, Anton Yelchin, George Lopez, Hank Azaria, Jayma Mays, Jonathan Winters, Katy Perry, Kenan Thompson, Neil Patrick Harris, Paul Reubens, Sofia Vergara
  8. More on this film

Perhaps you watched Alvin and the Chipmunks and were convulsed by a deep need for another film like that. Or perhaps you specifically felt the need for a sugary family 3D film about the Smurfs – who are described in this film, incidentally, as "mythical", rather than fictional. Either way, this could be the film for you. The little blue Belgian creatures find themselves in modern-day New York, where they are pursued by the evil wizard Gargamel, played by comedy stalwart Hank Azaria. The opening voiceover says that the Smurfs come from a place that "knows no sadness". I don't know about that. I felt like plunging a razor into my tensely exposed wrist from the very first minutes. Of course, it's just a piece of summer silliness for kids. Only a curmudgeon would demand a piece of summer silliness for kids that is also good. Can Smurfs 2: The Smurfuel be far behind?

convulsed : w konwulsjach, trzęsący się

curmudgeon : gbur, mruk

either way : w każdym razie

exposed : wystawiony

plunge : zatapiać

pursue : ścigać

razor : żyletka

sugary : lukrowany, słodki

tensely : w napięciu, naprężony

wrist : nadgarstek, przegub dłoni

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